Tuesday, May 6, 2014

I Am SECOND Cambodia

Last week I had the privilege of teaching the principle of the I Am S.E.C.O.N.D method of small group, by e3 Partners Ministry, to our Cambodian pastors in our KCC circle. Everyone was excited and was willing to try in their churches and community. I look forward to seeing the result in our next meeting in July this year. If everyone will start a small group based on this method, there will be growth in our churches both numerical and spiritual. 

One of the pastors asked, "Will there be an award to any pastor who will start 10 small groups in the next 3 months"?  One of my friends replied, "Your reward will be in Heaven"? Deep inside of me, I thought there has to be an incentive. I was about to promise a hundred dollars but then I don't have that amount. Nonetheless, I believe there has to be some kind of reward to encourage them.  

I am praying and believing that the churches will be mobilized and will get involve. What difference would it make in the growth the church and the maturity of members if everyone tries this method. 

The principle is simple and easy to follow. The difficult part is actually doing it. 
DNA of the Iam SECOND

There are three simple format of the I am SECOND for small group. 
I Am SECOND Look Back

I Am SECOND, Look Up

I Am SECOND, Look Forward
The strength of this method is seen in the acrostic S.E.C.O.N.D. but also in the commitment of each person in the group to put into the lesson into practice. Not only there is accountability but there is a review during the next meeting. Every week everyone will be asked how have they applied or fulfilled their commitment. In other words, this method is based on obedience not knowledge.